samedi 4 octobre 2014

Giant Crystal Cave in the Mexican desert

While the workers digging in a silver mine in the period between 2007 and 2008, they accidentally discover a scene very scary, a cave Christala giant amid the desert of Mexico, where it was spread inside many of the obelisks Alchristalah and crystals marvelous up the length of each of them to Hawally 37 feet of any 11 meters, the awful thing is that those crystals and obelisks were a very sharp blade, which could lead to injuries to employees.

And has formed obelisks and giant crystals inside this cave of groundwater saturated in calcium sulphate, which has filtered through the sands of the cave over millions of years, and thus has grown over the centuries, these crystals are small in size and taking increases with time.
You might expect through the images that these crystals resemble giant icicles and are therefore low in temperature, but appearances can be deceptive, because in fact, the temperature inside the cave is 112 Fahrenheit mixed moisture from 90-100 per cent, but you will find explorers inside the cave wearing a protective vest and carrying bags of ice to cool the air.
Here's pictures from inside the cave Alchristala Giant

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